Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bee & Bug

I can't even begin to tell you how fun my girls are at this age.  
Here are a couple of fun moments in the last week or so:
 Elmo Slippers:  I can't hardly contain the cuteness of giant slippers on this tiny body.
 Bee:  Modeling the towel I made her after her bath
 Sun bathing.
 Bee comforting Bug after a minor injury (that of course called for the "ice kitty.")
 As cousin Becca would say, "Cuteness overload."
Uhhhh . . . yeah.  Bee loves her kitty & her kitty loves . . . um, . . .

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. This is the best age! I loved it when we hit this stage with my boys. They were finally best friends!
