Bee's new best friend is our 5 year-old neighbor "Mikey." Today he was over and I overheard him say, "My dad is so fast . . . " I can tell you this: I can very likely outrun Mikey's dad. However, I absolutely LOVE that he thinks his dad is so fast. How cool. I love the age where your parents are practically super-heroes. How can we keep them at this age?!
Bug sat at the breakfast table today with her nose scrunched up. This was the conversation (all with a scrunched up nose):
Bug: Sister nakey*? (*translation: naked)
Justin, Bee, and I: Nooooo!
Bug: Bayee Hannah Bugs* nakey? (translation: Bug--herself)
Justin, Bee, and I: Nooooo!
Bug: Mommy nakey?
Justin, Bee, and I: Nooooo!
Bug: Daddy nakey?
Justin, Bee, and I: Daddy nakey?
Justin, Bee, and I: Noooooo!
Bug: Uncle (bleep*) nakey? (*name deleted to protect the innocent)
Justin, Bee, and I: NOOOOO! EW! NOOOOO!
Bug (and Justin, Bee, and I): hahahahahahaha!
Pardon the Design Dust...
5 years ago