I know some scoff at New Year's Resolutions, but you know what? I like them. I love the New Year! It does feel like a fresh start and a good time to take inventory of our lives: what has been good & what we could change to make better. Making resolutions is like making goals--setting your aims. As a coach, I tell my team to make goals; afterall, "If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time." I realize that fulfilling all of my goals may not happen, and I guess I'm okay with that. I don't really feel like a complete failure. In fact, I feel empowered to at least give something an honest attempt. Without verbalizing what I hope to do, I'll probably continue to do nothing of significance.
Last year I blogged my New Year's Resolutions. Although I did not fulfill all my resolutions, I did complete a few. I've marked my updates on last year's resolutions with a **.
**First, I lost weight. It wasn't the 15 lbs I originally set out to lose, but thankfully, by the time I entered Oakway Fitness's "Lighten the Load" program, I only needed to lose about 10 to get to my desired weight! I got to my desired weight, then lost an additional 2 lbs on my way down to my "dream weight." Sadly, I gained those 2 lbs back, which brings me to my 1st NY resolution:
1. Maintain desired weight w/good body comp & lose 2 lbs. I'm still down around my desired weight, but a little mushy on the sides. I can fix that! I would rather be solid. :)
**Second, I started a yoga ministry in Eugene. It started at Just Breathe in South Eugene & now I teach free classes near my home. This is huge & I'm so thankful!
**I resolved to read through the NT in 2011. I did not complete this. Total bummer. I did read through some of it, so I'm glad I made the goal. This year I resolve to . . .
2. Read the Bible following my church's reading plan & discuss with others. I'm all about doing something with people. It's easier for me. It's the accountability and the comradery that really helps me to stick with something.
In addition,
3. Pray with Justin for 10-15 minutes after the girls go to bed. We used to pray together every night before falling asleep. Now, we rarely go to bed at the same time. There is no doubt that when we have been seeking the Lord, He does not hide from us. There are so many things to take to Him in prayer. I don't want this one to fizzle.
**I said I wanted to blog regularly. Huh. Well, this one comes and goes. Maybe I'll be better this year!
**Also, I said I wanted to sew more. Yep, still want to do that. Piles of fabric need to be created into something better. I made the girls Christmas dresses this year, and did quite a few projects for ThinkCrafts.com. In addition, I had said I wanted to keep Etsy updated. I did NOT do this. Quite frankly, it's not a priority for me this year, so I think I'll put that one aside for now.
**I set out to run 2 more 5k races and to complete a 10k. I can happily report that I did the 2 5k races, but a bit bummed to say that I never even considered entering a 10k. Not really. I still think I would like to do it, so I think I'll write it here:
4. Run a 10k.
**Why is everything about food with me? Okay, it isn't really, but I did say I wanted to plan a weekly menu. I did for several months, and you know what? It really did change my life positively. I want to start doing this again. I think it saved me time, stress, and money. It also helped me shave those pounds!
5. Plan a weekly menu. And try 1 new recipe each week.
**Oh yeah, I said I needed to replace the old undies. The truth is . . . er, I'm still working on it! :) But there is much improvement!!! Really, I have made a dent in this task.
So here are a few more resolutions I'm adding:
6. Spend less time in front of my computer doing nothing. I have 2 daughters and I don't want to communicate that "checking my email" or perusing Craigslist or aimlessly checking Facebook is more important than showing me the picture they just created.
7. Do more preschool activities with B & B. They loving "doing preschool." I want to make it a regular part of our day.
8. Keep up on laundry. How hard can this be? Laundry cannot . . . will not . . . beat me.
And even though there are many things I want to improve in life, I think I'll stop there for now! What are you going to do in 2012? Inspire me!
Pardon the Design Dust...
5 years ago
I love all these: Concise, realistic, balanced.
ReplyDeleteGood for you!